Good Kitty Advice For Vacations | The Cow Cat No Vacation Policy Here
  Hi everyone! Since summer is coming soon, I thought I’d chat about vacations, and give you some good advice on how to treat your furry friends while you are on vacation. Rule #1: Don’t go on vacation. I don’t like it when you are off having fun and I’m stuck at home. Now, assuming many of you break the first rule, then I have some advice from my experience. First of all, I don’t like it when daddy goes on vacation. It can be for a day, or week, or year, or 15 minutes, I’m not really sure. Daddy […]

Good Kitty Advice For Vacations

May Cow Cat Sniff Your Food? | The Cow Cat Scotch Smells Hams
  Hello everyone, it’s Scotch here to put some cuteness into your day! Do you know your furry friend has super hearing, smell, and eyesight? I can hear when you get a can of tuna, or soup, or something with a lid on it, out of the pantry. I hear the lid come off the top of the can and before you know it, I’m meowing at your feet. Actually, I’m trying to climb straight up to the counter while I’m yelling at you to feed me! I just have to have whatever you are having, or at least smell […]

May Cow Kitty Sniff Your Food?

how to save our owner by The Cow Cat Under Couch Cap
  Hello friends! I’m a busy kitty as you know. In addition to managing a couple of websites, making cute cat videos, and getting my required naps, there are lots of things lurking around my apartment that I need to take care of. As you may know, the plastic lid to a water bottle can be a dangerous thing. The minute you put it down on the table and take a drink of whatever is in the bottle, I’m up on the table and will bat the cap around until it is on the hardwood floor. From there, I manage […]

How To Save Our Owners From Danger

Scotch The Cow Cat With Water In The Bath Room
Hello my furry and (non-furry) friends. I want to talk about water today. I’m sure you have all seen those cute cat videos of cats getting a bath. Maybe I’ll make one too someday, oh wait, maybe not! I love to drink water. I’ve love to drink water ever since I was a kitten. I like it ice cold the best. When daddy fills my bowl up with fresh cold water, I get excited and have a drink. I also like to jump into the bathtub after someone takes a shower. I will play with the little bit of water […]

Water Is My Best Friend…Sometimes

A Vacumm Cleaner: Cat's Let Favorite Loud Creature
Happy Caturday everyone! I have fun cat fact for you today that I think will apply to most of my furry friends. It is called a vacuum cleaner and it is a loud creature. I don’t like it when it comes out of the closet, but I do like to hide under the couch or chair and watch its every move. My “sister” Soda absolutely is terrified of it and once she sees it come out of the closet, she crouches down on all four legs, belly almost hitting the floor, and scurries off to hide under the bed until […]

A Vacuum Cleaner: Cow Cat’s Least Favorite Loud Creature

The Moving Red Spot Laser : Kitty's Best Friend The Cow Cat And His Sister Are Having A Good Time
Hi there, it’s your furry kitty friend Scotch here to brighten your day! I have a bone to pick with you, and it is in the form of a little red dot. Let’s talk about that little red dot shall we? Where does it come from? It is very elusive, but I’ll get it one of these days. Ever since I was a kitten, I’ve been trying to capture it. I know when it is coming; I can hear a rattle as it comes out of the drawer where it hides. There it is! Run! Tap, tap, tap on the […]

The Moving Red Spot: Cow Cat’s Best Friend

The Cow Cat sister Soda two cats that make the world cuter
Hello my cute furry (and not furry) friends!  Today I want to talk Soda. No, not soda pop, but Soda, my  kitty “sister”.  (Personally I don’t like soda pop; I prefer a dirty martini that I taste by dipping my paw into the glass and having a taste). My sister is a fussy little kitty. She will look at me play with others with watchful eyes, wanting to be a part of the action. Then when I do engage her to play, or when daddy does, she gets all fussy and meows and wants down immediately.  She is good at […]

My Kitty Sister “Soda” AKA My Partner In Crime

The Cow Cat With Favorite Mousy Beg Face
  Hello my cute furry (and not furry) friends!  Today I want to talk about training.  I’m working hard to train my dad to fetch my mouse and play with me.  The other day, I was lying on the floor by my mousie, I looked over at my daddy who was watching tv, he smiled, and kept watching tv.  I went over and nipped daddy on the leg and ran back and sat down by my mousie.  Daddy came over and picked it up and played with me.  It took him years to learn that trick, which is exhausting.  Let’s […]

How To Train Your Owner by Scotch TheCowCat

The Cow Cat Crowdfunding Project Filming
  Hello all my cute furry friends (and not furry too)!  Last was a busy week for me.  Last week, I directed and starred in a short video to launch our #Cute4Kind campaign which will be launch soon on Indiegogo.  I had to memorize my lines, work with our makeup people to make me even cuter, and after many many takes, we finally finished our video!  I’ll work on editing it soon!  Our #Cute4Kind project is seeking your help to fund the #Cute4Kind website where we can post more cute videos of our furry friends, where you can post your own […]

#Cute4Kind Crowdfunding Project Filming