Happy Caturday everyone! I have fun cat fact for you today that I think will apply to most of my furry friends. It is called a vacuum cleaner and it is a loud creature. I don’t like it when it comes out of the closet, but I do like to hide under the couch or chair and watch its every move. My “sister” Soda absolutely is terrified of it and once she sees it come out of the closet, she crouches down on all four legs, belly almost hitting the floor, and scurries off to hide under the bed until it is over. Your cute furry friend Scotch here is a little braver as I watch it move around the room. I don’t know what it does, but daddy is always telling us it has something to do with us. I can’t imagine that! Once it gets too close to me I also run to the bedroom. Sometimes I hide under the bed with Soda, and sometimes I jump up on the bed and lurk as it comes down the hallway. Once that is all over, it’s time to go to the living room and move all our toys all over the floor again because they got scared and jumped up into a nice neat pile to hide. I know the toys feel safe with me on the job to watch them! There is my mousey! Someone go fetch it for me!

The Cow Cat Facts:
I notice sometimes after the vacuum cleaner has run around the house, Soda and I go outside on the little deck and get a nice brushing. I like to lie down while daddy brushes me. I try and chase and eat some of the fur as the wind catches it and blows it around. I know that makes it hard to brush me when I’m running around, but I do have a good time.
