Do you have trouble communicating with your little furry friend? Do you not understand what we are trying to ask or say? I’m not surprised. We can understand you, but often we notice you don’t seem to have a clue what we are talking about. Fortunately for you, I’m here to help!
First of all, when I’m taking a nap and you come over and ask how I’m doing, or call my name, or make too much noise, or bump into where I’m sleeping, and I crack open one eye and give you the look of death, it really means you are bothering me so much and if you continue to do it, I’ll probably get up and rub my butt up against something dear to you. So, knock it off!
If I’m meowing in the morning, or I jump up on you while you are sleeping, it clearly means I’m hungry and you need to get up and fix that. How can I be clearer? Sometimes I’m doing you a favor because I know you don’t want to oversleep. You’re welcome.
Now, when I sit in the hallway and I look at the wall and meow, meow, meow, and in a different tone, I’m clearly trying to warn you of something evil lurking in the walls. Or, there may be a bug in the area, it could be both. Either way, I’m trying to protect you but all you do is look at me like I’m nuts. Your cute kitty here is also your protector, just a little different than how the dog would do it. Dogs are sloppy and excitable.
When I run up and down the hallway or through the living room and the stop by one of my toys, clearly that means play with me and you should stop what you are doing and come throw the mouse for me to chase. Of course then you need to chase it with me and throw it back the other way once we get there. I can’t just bring it to you myself.
And how many times do I sit outside the closed bathroom door and just scream? I know you can hear me. I know you are in there. I need to be in there too. I don’t know what you are doing, but it may be exciting. Plus, my litterbox is in the bathroom, maybe I need to go to. Again, the instructions are clear. Meow, meow, meow, meow in my low voice means open the door I need in. And once I’m in and you close the door, clearly I’m going to need to be out. It would just be so much easier to leave the door open so I can do what I want.
Well, there you have it my friends. Some communication tips from your buddy Scotch TheCowCat. Please work on paying attention to what your furry friends are saying so we can avoid further miscommunication! Meow!