I love to chase the red dot up and down the hallway, and I’ll try to climb the wall to get at it! Maybe if I get in my lurching position, it will be afraid and make a fatal mistake. Here comes Soda, maybe she will catch it. Nope, now it is on the ceiling. How did it get up there? Can I get up there? Ok, the red dot wins today, but one day the red dot will be mine! I will wait in the shadows for you red dot. Eek Eek.
The Cow Cat Facts:
Another favorite think I love to do is to help make the bed. When daddy makes the bed I jump up on top of the covers to make sure nothing is underneath them while the bed is being made. Tap. Tap. Tap. I know I’m going to find something lurking under the sheets. Maybe if I pounce on the pillow there is something under there. I’m a good protector! Good watch kitty!