The Moving Red Spot: Cow Cat’s Best Friend

Hi there, it’s your furry kitty friend Scotch here to brighten your day! I have a bone to pick with you, and it is in the form of a little red dot. Let’s talk about that little red dot shall we? Where does it come from? It is very elusive, but I’ll get it one of these days. Ever since I was a kitten, I’ve been trying to capture it. I know when it is coming; I can hear a rattle as it comes out of the drawer where it hides. There it is! Run! Tap, tap, tap on the floor. Ok, I missed it this time, but I thought I had it. I know I hit it with my paw. I get so excited I can’t even meow; I make a high pitch eek eek sound!

The Moving Red Spot Laser : Kitty's Best Friend The Cow Cat Staring

I love to chase the red dot up and down the hallway, and I’ll try to climb the wall to get at it! Maybe if I get in my lurching position, it will be afraid and make a fatal mistake. Here comes Soda, maybe she will catch it. Nope, now it is on the ceiling. How did it get up there? Can I get up there? Ok, the red dot wins today, but one day the red dot will be mine! I will wait in the shadows for you red dot. Eek Eek.

The Moving Red Spot Laser : Kitty's Best Friend The Cow Cat And His Sister Are Having A Good Time

The Cow Cat Facts:
Another favorite think I love to do is to help make the bed. When daddy makes the bed I jump up on top of the covers to make sure nothing is underneath them while the bed is being made. Tap. Tap. Tap. I know I’m going to find something lurking under the sheets. Maybe if I pounce on the pillow there is something under there. I’m a good protector! Good watch kitty!



