My Kitty Sister “Soda” AKA My Partner In Crime

The Cow Cat sister Soda two cats that make the world cuter

Hello my cute furry (and not furry) friends!  Today I want to talk Soda. No, not soda pop, but Soda, my  kitty “sister”.  (Personally I don’t like soda pop; I prefer a dirty martini that I taste by dipping my paw into the glass and having a taste). My sister is a fussy little kitty. She will look at me play with others with watchful eyes, wanting to be a part of the action. Then when I do engage her to play, or when daddy does, she gets all fussy and meows and wants down immediately.  She is good at hissing too! Sometimes when she looks lonely I like to pounce on her and wrestle her to the ground. She screams and hisses and pretends to be mad as she runs off and stares at me. Then she looks at me like, aren’t you going to play with me? I think she’s passive aggressive! Usually I get yelled at by daddy when I do this, but I’m just trying to play with her. Wait, I think that is what she likes, me getting into trouble. Well played Soda, well played. Oooh I feel a cute kitty pounce coming to her soon!

The Cow Cat sister Soda two cats that make the world cuter hind and seek

The Cow Cat Facts:

Most nights, especially on cold ones, I love to snuggle up and curl up in a chair, or on a blanket with Soda.  She likes it too. Even though we fight sometimes, we are just playing and we love each other. Sometimes when she gets in trouble, which isn’t nearly as often as me, I keep a watchful eye on daddy to make sure he isn’t too mean. He isn’t mean, but it’s because he knows I’m lurking around watching! Sometimes we both jump up and curl up in daddy’s lap, especially when he needs to do something else!

The Cow Cat sister Soda two cats that make the world cuter underneath the Christmas tree

