Hello friends! I’m a busy kitty as you know. In addition to managing a couple of websites, making cute cat videos, and getting my required naps, there are lots of things lurking around my apartment that I need to take care of. As you may know, the plastic lid to a water bottle can be a dangerous thing. The minute you put it down on the table and take a drink of whatever is in the bottle, I’m up on the table and will bat the cap around until it is on the hardwood floor. From there, I manage to chase it all over our little apartment. It tries to get away by hiding under the sofa, the dining room table, even all the way down the hallway and under the desk. But I always find it.
Sometimes it does a good job of hiding under the file cabinet in daddy’s office area. I can’t get my paws under there to get it, so I’ll make a fuss and meow until someone comes along to get it for me. I often keep a few of the lids around once I have them trained. I store a couple underneath an end table and an end cabinet, but don’t tell. When I am awake sometimes at 3 o’clock in the morning, I like to chase the lids around on the hardwood floors for a while and let them know I’m watching them! Daddy doesn’t seem to appreciate the danger from the lids as much as I do and sometimes he will take them from me and put them back on the bottle. But don’t worry my furry friends; I’ll get the lid back sooner or later!
The Cow Cat Facts:
Scotch loves to be in the bathroom whenever someone is in there doing whatever. If you don’t let him in, he will sit outside the door and meow until you do or until he gets yelled at. Every morning when I wake up, he will meet me in the bathroom and we will have a little conversation. I will say hi, how are you and he will meow a few times, and we go back and forth for a while. It’s very cute! That is, until the toothpaste comes out. For some reason, he hates the smell of my toothpaste and I think he’s afraid I’ll brush his teeth! That usually ends our early morning chat, but he’s in the kitchen ready to let me know the food level in his bowl.